4 Tips For Consistent Bible Study


Let’s just set one thing straight: My Bible study rhythm is far from perfect.

Just like many of you, I lack motivation from time to time, I sometimes fail to open my Bible at all, I check my phone before I read the Word (often, yikes!), I have a tendency to grow prideful when I do keep up with my Bible reading plans, and I have begun my fair share of Bible studies only to leave them incomplete when another “new” and “more exciting” study caught my attention. Although it is my desire to enthusiastically affirm with the Psalmist, “My delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law I meditate day and night,” I am still learning how to actually meditate upon and delight in God’s law daily.

I don’t have this Bible study thing figured out, but today as lock hands with you and remind you that you are not alone, and I also want to share a few practical tips and resources that have stirred my own affections for God’s Word recently.

4 Practical Tips for Consistent Study of the Word

Create a plan and stick to it!

As a task-driven female whose flesh tends toward perfectionism, I know how easy it is to read through a plan, yet fail to truly read the Word. Sometimes in my attempts to be “faithful,” I end up simply being rigid or, for lack of a better word, legalistic. May I remind us that when we commit to study of the Bible, we are committing to just that, study of the Bible. Don’t allow Satan to tempt you into thinking your faithfulness is determined by your completion of a specific Bible reading plan.

On the flip side, though, it is also important to maintain consistency in our study of the Word, especially when we lack the desire to do so. Having a predetermined plan, even on these “off” mornings, will ensure that you have a place to turn when you may not want to open your Bible at all. I have found that 9 times out of 10, the affection, desire, and delight shortly follow.

A Bible reading plan does not have to span a full 365 days, and you do not have to commit to the same plan this year that you committed to last year. If you spent 2021 reading through the Bible chronologically, perhaps it would be beneficial to spend more-focused time in a particular book of the Bible. You have freedom in choosing what you will meditate upon, just be sure that it is the Word of God and not the words of man that predominately fill your study time. I committed to this Bible reading plan in 2022, and you are always more than welcome to join me!

Implement Accountability

In this age of distraction, regular Bible intake can be a real challenge. If opening (or listening to) the Word tends to fall to the bottom of your priority list, consider enlisting the help of a friend or mentor who can daily/weekly check-in on your studies. One simple question you might ask one another is: “What has the Lord taught you through His Word this week?”

Several years ago, a friend of mine and I committed to texting one another a one sentence summary about our study each day. This concrete method of accountability not only reminded me to open my Bible every day, but also helped me grow in my communication of what the Lord had been teaching me. I simultaneously also learned what the Lord was teaching a very dear sister in Christ too.

Anticipate Adversity (and Plan For It)

Barriers to regular Bible intake will exist in every season of life and it’s ok to acknowledge that this discipline can be hard sometimes. Don’t let this “hardness” discourage you or isolate you from other women who appear to have it all together. Bible intake barriers are common to all women (they are certainly common to me) and the first step to getting over them is acknowledging them. Once you acknowledge your own barriers (lack of time, lack of direction, lack of motivation, or lack of resources) you can create a personal plan for perseverance.

If the number one barrier to your study of the Word is a lack of time, you might consider deleting Instagram for one month and replace scrolling time with Bible reading time. If the number one barrier to your study of the Word is a lack of direction, try a reading plan like this or this or reaching out to an older woman in the church who could help you create a customized plan around your needs. If the number one barrier to your study of the word is motivation, consider an in-depth study of Psalm 119.

Meditate upon and Memorize Psalm 119

The heart is at the heart of our Bible study. We can increase our knowledge of the Word each and every morning and evening, but if our affections for our Father remain indifferent, we have hopelessly missed the point. On the mornings that I am tempted to “check the box” or to “neglect the heart”, I meditate upon Psalm 119 (sometimes at the risk of falling behind in my other studies, but faithfulness couldn’t care less). I encourage you to invest time in this beautiful display of the Psalmist’s delight in the law of the Lord too.

For more Bible Study tips, check out these 10 Practical Steps For Bible Study.


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